Educational Facilities
Efficient LED Lighting Systems works with public and private educational facilities to evaluate their current energy demand. We devise methods to increase efficiency and reduce their overall energy consumption, while maintaining or improving existing lighting levels. By implementing energy conservation measures, educational institutions reduce their overall carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and create a sustainable, cleaner-environment, providing a better learning experience for the student body. Studies have shown that certain types of lighting (i.e. fluorescent lighting) can cause hyperactivity, fatigue and irritability in some students. Upgrading to Efficient LED Lighting Systems may also reduce these effects.
Other energy conservation measures recommended by Efficient LED Lighting Systems are offered by our affiliates in the Solar Industry. The two technologies are perfectly suited to be implemented, side by side. Reduced Kwh consumption realized with LED Lighting results in a smaller scale solar system. The ability to reduce the number of solar panels required to provide enough electricity for a given application, will result in thousands of dollars saved.
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